SUBSCRIBER ONLY STORIESView All Telegram Mute Option Manage When Old Sessions are Automatically Terminated
If you want to use Telegram in a region where it's blocked, you'll appreciate the Telegram function that allows you to connect via a proxy server. Most of the time, it's better to use a VPN on your phone, but a proxy can still help you get around regional restrictions. To mute a chat in Telegram, head over to the chat in question. Next, tap the name at the top and then hit the mute button. Message corners Telegram bots are nothing but regular telegram accounts, which can be coded and used to add more features to enhance user experience. You can find these bots from the top search bar on the homepage. For example,
You can also customize your chat background image in “Chat Background” in Chat Settings. On desktop applications, chat folders are displays in the sidebar. In the mobile app, these folders are arranged in tabs that can be easily swiped between. Telegram allows edit, unsend sent messages even for the other people on the same chat. It allows to unsend messages shared with the first 48 hours after sending. Add Animated Stickers to Images/Videos
Launch the Telegram app on your device and navigate to Settings -> Data and Storage. @ImageBot – sends pictures related to your keywords.
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